Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? -1 Corinthians 3:16How many of us actually treat our bodies like they are a temple of God? Do we watch what we eat or do we carelessly put in whatever happens to be around? (Chocolate why must you do this to me!?) Or how many of us have would rather lounge around than get up and use our bodies to serve Christ and His kingdom? I have to admit to neglecting the temple I have been given these ways before. But still others will end up fanatical about their bodies and work out too much or engage in yo-yo diets just to get the "perfect body". I have put my body through that treatment as well. Both of these extremes are not healthy and are not good for the body or soul. It is only when we align our thoughts and ways with God's where we find balance and the correct way to handle the gift we've been given.
In her book, Greater Health God's Way by Stormie Omartian, she says, 'Your body is a tool of ministry. Do you think you can serve the Lord better in sickness than you can in health? Do you want to serve Him for a couple of decent years, or would you rather have ten, twenty, or thirty more great ones? Our physical condition can influence our spiritual lives far more than we often realize. If we are disciplined in the care of our physical bodies, we are far more likely to be disciplined in our spiritual lives, too.' Her book has opened my eyes to a lot of different ways we can care for our bodies the way God meant us to with proper exercise, healthy eating, fresh air, plenty of water and rest.

Ultimately, the most important thing we can do with our bodies is to glorify God with them in how we treat them physically (with good exercise, healthy food, fresh air and rest) and spiritually (with His Word, quiet time and prayer). It has taken nearly 25 years for me to come to have right thinking when it comes to my body and how I should treat it. And like David I will say, "I praise You because I was fearfully and wonderfully made" and because of that I will give my body to the Lord as "a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God."
Hi Nicole!
ReplyDeleteI checked out the poses from the link on your article. Is one of the ladies Stormie? I read her books many years ago. She sounded like a wonderful person then, and i'm glad to her about her again.
Your yoga class sounds fun. You'll have to teach me some of the poses!
the battle of Bun vs chocolate rages on