Twenty twelve is chugging along very nicely- by God's grace this is going to be an amazing year! One of the first major things we do is visit our sweet little niece. She was born back in November but she lives half-way across the state, past the mountain pass. We didn't want to end up getting stuck in the snow on our visit over so our trip was delayed. That is until now. Our winter has been very mild and snow is not a big issue over the pass anymore so we are planning on visiting her within the next few weeks. I already sent a fun care package with tons of goodies (handmade and some purchased) but now that we are coming in person, I want to have another gift for that sweet little girl! And
isn't buying baby stuff so much more fun than anything else? Everything is so
itty bitty and adorable. I just love it!

This weekend I went
thrifting with my Mom and I
stumbled upon some
adorable onesies (and for just $0.69!) and this awesome toy that brings back so many memories from when I was a
young'un. It'll be so much fun to see little baby Avery finally and shower her with love!
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