Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Fever

The first weekend of spring was just wonderful and I am starting to get the fever. Playing outside with my husband, gardening, spring cleaning, and frankly, just not wearing my winter jacket is getting me very excited! As usual, I have lots of things I'd like to accomplish and this weekend I start that long list. One being planting my garden.

I have done very little gardening in the past and not had good experience with keeping plants alive :( but I hope to change all that. Have you ever heard of the West ladies or Homestead Blessings? I just discovered them and their down home instructional videos. My dream is to be just as skilled and knowledgeable of all things domestic and beautiful. For now I will watch their videos and make 'baby steps' towards that!

Living in an apartment it is difficult to have a real garden, but the West ladies taught me about a little thing called 'Lasagna Gardening'. In lasagna gardening, you don't need to have a big tilled ground, all you need is cardboard, leaves, straw and composted dirt. Like when preparing the dish, this gardening technique allows you to layer the various "ingredients" and then start planting. I have a perfect spot picked out for my lasagna garden and I am looking forward to starting on it this weekend!

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