My heart is full. Not only has Jesus saved me, comforted me & provided for me with my earthly blessings, but He is present in my life every day! He talks to me daily through His word. It's actually pretty amazing how loudly He speaks to me.
I get it Lord, I'm listening!The last few months, His voice has come from the bible study I am participating in with the women at my church, Esther: It's tough being a woman. I can't tell you how deeply I've been moved and inspired. I guess I'm not surprised, it is God's Word after all! What a blessing Beth Moore is. What a blessing to have a sister like her come beside us to guide us in God's unfailing and amazing Word.
We have almost completed the study and my heart longs for it to continue a little bit longer. The book of Esther gives us an interesting glimpse into the providence on God. God is not mentioned
once in the whole book, but He is most certainly on it. He is there when it doesn't seem like He is. According to Merrill Webster's definition of providence,
'God conceived as the power sustaining and guiding human destiny.' Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary adds,
'In so doing (in His providence) God attends not only to apparently momentous events and people but also to those that seem both mundane and trivial. Indeed, so all encompassing is God's attention to events within creation that nothing happens by chance.'While the events of Esther's life were coming to a point, she has some decisions to make. Would she stand up for what she believed in (in her case, saving the Jews), or would she just let life pass on by without her. Esther has a choice, she had to face her fears. She had to trust in the Lord to move forward in her life and face the obstacles and trials in her life. We may not have a trial the size of Esther's, but every day is a challenge. Satan wants us to become complacent, backslide, etc.. He wants us to
conform to the things of this world. That is why we must remain aware of our situations. Daily
take up your cross and follow Jesus.
The sub-title of the bible study is 'It's Tough Being a Woman' and boy can I relate to that! What I've learned through this journey is that yes, sometimes it IS tough being a woman but,
trust reverses the detours of adversity into highways of destiny. "The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment." 2 Peter 2:9
What an awesome God we serve and how exciting to learn more about Him and His loving plan!