My experience in fundraising has been an up hill battle. I call and e-mail and facebook about a cause and then wait. And wait. And wait. It always seems to end up being me (and Jeremy of course) and my in-laws who donate or give any support. Why is this? I know that times are hard and money is tight. I know that we are all busy doing our own things and serving our own passions. I know that adding one more thing to our list of things to do or support may be too much for some.
What saddens me is that I thought people would want to help. In a world full of suffering and genuine need, but here in America we care more about what is happening with the latest celebrity couple or tv show the night before.
What I want to see is people embracing their God given duty to give to the orphan and widow. To care for the foreigner and downtrodden. When He was here that is exactly what He did and if He was here on earth today, that is what He would do now.
I am reminded of the story that Jesus told about the two sons, one who said he would not do as his father asked but then later did it and the other son who said he would do the task and didn't. How often is that us? We listen to a sermon on Sunday, say we'll help God's people as He has asked and then it slips right out our ears as we drive away.
"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." -James 1:22One of my favorite gospel songs has lyrics that inspire me to Get up in Jesus' name.
In the day which we live in, there's evil everywhereMy prayer is that God's people get out of the pews and live for Him. Love for Him. Serve and give for Him. We are the church and we are His hands and feet on earth. Let it not be said that we are hearers and not doers. Lord, help us to see the need in the world and take action in Jesus' precious and holy name. Amen.
The body seems discouraged and overcome with fear
Well God is needing soldiers, to get out of the pews
And take hold of the power that John and Peter used