Thursday, November 13, 2014

Number Your Days

This morning started out like any other day. While I was in the kitchen preparing some food, Hannah listened to some music while coloring. Her ears perk up when any "Frozen" song comes on. This one happened to be 'Do you want to build a snowman'. In the movie, when the bridge of the song plays, that is when it shows the tragic ship wreck of the parents of Anna and Elsa. Hannah turned to me and said,

Hannah - "The Mommy and Daddy dead."

Me - "Yes, Hannah, they did die."

Hannah - "...and you dead too."

Me - "One day I'll die"

And then I proceeded to cry (silly hormones) and tried to explain in toddler terms that one day we would die.

That got me thinking about a conversation I had with Jeremy earlier today. We discussed how heaven and hell don't seem to be real to most people, even believing Christians. Ourselves included. The way we can tell that is that there seems to be no urgency in telling people about the coming judgment. If we do truly believe that there will be an end to our lives, that we'll have to call into account our past deeds or lack thereof (not accepting Christ), then we would be telling everyone we know to come to the Lord.

"teach us to number our days
    that we may get a heart of wisdom." -Psalm 90:12

I'll admit I haven't been holding up my end of the Great Commission lately. I think distractions in my life get in the way much of the time and His command goes uncompleted. But I don't want it to be that way. I want to live my life in light of the fact that I will be facing the Creator of the universe one day, knowing that I faithfully pursued His instructions to us. But I know myself and I am a still a sinner, and at the very least, my prayer is that I would rely on Christ to help me because I need all the help I can get! This is not a minor issue, it really is a matter of life or death.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Every Thought Captive {Our Favorite Children's Books}

Last month our sweet girl turned two. Hard to believe she's already so big! What a joy she is in our lives. I could write for hours sharing all the cute things she does or says but I'll save that for another time. ;)

We have decided that we will be homeschooling Hannah and any other kiddos that come along, and while we are still in the pre-school age, we are trying to lay the groundwork for her further education. Hannah loves reading. She loves when we read to her and when she "reads" to herself. We are at the library every week for story time and book collecting.

In the few years we've had her in our lives we've read our share of children's books. Some good, some not so good. But it is fun finding the gems, looking for more awesome books by the author and checking them out over and over again. I've found some to be our all time favorites because in them I see God and how He is working in our lives and in the world. Let me share with you a few on our list:

One Winter's Day is about little Hedgehog. His home has been blown over and he needs to get to his friend Badger's house before the big snowstorm hits. He's all bundled up for his journey and he encounters some animals in need along the way. It is a sweet story about seeing the need in the lives of other people and how we can be His hands and feet and give of ourselves for our friends.

Any one of these books by Steve Jenkins; My First Day, Time to Sleep, or Mama Built a Little Nest. All of Mr. Jenkins' books are about animals and the many habits and or peculiar things they do. When I read these books to Hannah, I had to stop for a minute and digest what they were saying. I couldn't help but see the Father's hand in their being. There was no gradual progression for these animals to do these very distinct things to survive, they were either there in the first place or they wouldn't survive, period. It's wonderful to see His handiwork in random books about animals.

The classic kids book, People In Your Neighborhood, reminds us of the many people we come in contact with and serves as a nice add-on to the parable about the good samaritan. Who is our neighbor? It's any number of people we encounter on a daily basis and when you talk to your child about how we can live out the story of the good samaritan, we can show them that we have the opportunity to bless people all around us; your postman, your grocer or your doctor, etc...

Someday Loves You, Mr. Hatch is one of my favorites! I first discovered this book when Hannah was still in the womb. I actually found the website, Storyline Online, where actors and actresses read children's books. This story shows how simple acts of kindness can bless someone, how one person can affect great change in their community, and about how we can show kindness towards others to show them the love we have through Christ. "We love because He first loved us."- 1 John 4:19

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. - 2 Corinthians 10:5

I have been reading the book, Home Education by Charlotte Mason. It is a fascinating book that gives you the nuts and bolts foundation for how to educate your children at home. One section that really struck me was about helping our children adopt good habits. We think as we are accustomed to think. And those thoughts become our habits and feelings which then rule the child or his character. It is our job as parents to help point our children to Christ in every way we can. In the book of Deuteronomy, we are instructed to teach our children when they wake up and when they go to sleep, when they are out and about and when we are at home. As I read these children's books to Hannah, even if they are not 'christian' per say, we are always using the things in front of us to teach her about God and His great love for us. Take a look at your children's book shelf and see the many ways we can take their little thoughts captive for Christ and His kingdom!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Submitting to His Sovereignty {And a Rosh Hashanah Craft}

I had a miscarriage about 5 weeks ago. We’d been hoping to have another baby for a while now so we were ecstatic to find out we were expecting. But a few short days after seeing that positive pregnancy test, I started bleeding. It happened the day before our 5 year wedding anniversary. It was not spent the way we had hoped. But we promised it in our wedding vows; to love, honor and cherish in the good times and the bad. Our anniversary and those words we exchanged took on new meaning as we experienced our first tragedy as a couple.

As soon as it happened I wanted as much distance from that day as possible. The passage of time is healing those wounds but there is still a struggle. A struggle to let go of the pain. The struggle to just let go of it all. I got mad at God when it happened. I asked Him to protect the baby. I pleaded with Him to stop the bleeding. I prayed and prayer and prayed. But nothing happened. The bleeding eventually stopped but there was no healing. Nothing remained by a bruised and battered faith. 

I walked away from God. Not visibly but spiritually. I still looked the part, trying to keep up appearances but I was still hurting and doubting and wondering how such an awful thing could happen. My husband and I have been experiencing what St. John of the Cross described as a “dark night of the soul”. Our family bible study stopped. There was just nothing left in us. My anger turned to indifference.

As stated before, I was still going to church but just so everything seemed normal but Jeremy had stopped going. One particular Sunday, something happened. It was communion Sunday, and as they passed the bread and grape juice around, I let it pass by me. I could not in good conscience partake of the communion in the state I was in. As I sat in silence while the rest of the service continued, I wept. I hated being in this place. Something had to change. 

Jeremy and I had many long talks, trying to work through all of this mess. Our family bible study was reinstated this past week. It felt so good to come together to read God’s word. I may not know why everything happens, but I know without Him, I am lost. 

Today happens to be the Jewish holiday, Rosh Hashanah. It is the Jewish new years, a day to commemorate our dependence upon God as our Creator and Sustainer. The central observance of Rosh Hashanah is the sounding of the shofar, the ram’s horn, which also represents the trumpet blast of a people’s coronation of their king. The cry of the shofar is also a call to repentance, for Rosh Hashanah is also the anniversary of man’s first sin, and serves as the first of the “Ten Days of Repentance” which culminate in Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

As I’ve gone through the last few months and reflect back, I’ve come to realize that nothing is guaranteed in this life. We are always living our lives not knowing what is next. When we plan for something to be a certain way, even when we take steps to make it so, things could still not end up the way we had wanted. I don’t understand why God allowed such a tragic thing to happen to us (or to anyone for that matter), but I do know that He is sovereign and that like our first parents, Adam and Eve, who sinned in the Garden of Eden, God had a plan even from the beginning about how to redeem it all in the end. I may not understand it all, but I trust it. I trust Him. And I know He will help me move past this, in faith. 
{ Rosh Hashanah Craft }

We may not be Jewish but I believe that as the bible states, we have been grafted in to the olive tree, and their holy days are as much a part of our heritage as believers in the Messiah, and as such, our family observes them with Christ at the focus of all of them as He is the fulfillment of the promises. That being said, in honor of Rosh Hashanah, Hannah and I had a simple lesson, I read the story of Adam and Eve and we made some stamps out of apples and did some apple printing. Celebrating today was a wonderful reminder of God's sovereignty and how He always has a plan to save His people even from great tragedy.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Raw Caramel Apple Dessert

It's about 85 degrees in Seattle right now which means it's like 100 degrees in our apartment. Cooking has become unbearable!

My husband is a genius and came up with a delish dessert and a fun way to cool down while we are in the house in these dog days of summer. The first is very simple: a dollar store spray bottle. We're having fun in here spraying each other and feeling more refreshed. The other thing my handsome hubby came up with: the BEST dessert ever! There isn't much of a recipe but here is the general idea:

Chop up 1 apple, add 1/2 cup chopped walnuts and sprinkle with a dash each of cinnamon (maybe 1 tsp), salt, and stevia. Now here's the part where we kick it up a notch. Add a very small amount of oil and caramel extract. Mix it all up and enjoy. It is seriously like a raw caramel apple pie without all the guilt and no baking in this hot heat!!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Embracing Imperfect

I fall victim to it all the time. I'll be checking my facebook or instagram and see a friend on a fabulous summer vacation or just complete a swanky new home project, and I get jealous. I want to also be having a fabulous time and a beautiful home so I try and make myself look like I too am living an equally as amazing life. But it's all a show. It's all my way to look like I'm perfect. It's this thing I feel I need to achieve. To be a perfect mom and wife. To be an excellent home maker and cook. To be a totally toned and fit woman. There's certainly nothing wrong with wanting to do well at something or enjoying yourself on a vacation, not at all, but there is a problem with seeing someone else have those things and then coveting after them. My reality, however, is imperfection. We can't always afford expensive vacations (staycations here we
come! :P), we don't own a house so there are no projects to be done, and I am by no means a perfect mother! Every day is a constant reminder of my imperfect existence.

As you know, ever since the birth of my daughter, I've been on a journey to get back into shape. I recently finished two more sessions of the workout program that changed my life and perspective on living a healthy lifestyle. I don't know what happened at the end of this last session, but I kind of went off the deep end. I've always been good about my food choices and kept on a pretty focused meal planning system (never feeling deprived of delicious food mind you and definitely not starving myself!) but I ended up eating like cookie monster for the last several weeks, literally devouring everything in sight including all those not so good for you items, i.e. boxed cookies, cereal. It's carb city over here! Jeremy and I have been hoping to add another little one to our family soon so when my pants started to feel tight I got hopeful that that was the reason why. When I found out it was just me putting on a few pounds I realized I had a problem. I recently signed up for my first half marathon and I just finished week one of my training. Getting back into the swing of things is tough, but it is absolutely necessary or I'll never grow, well, not in the way I want!

I feel like this applies in all areas of my life right now. I viewed a series of baby & toddler early development informational videos this last week. Usually when Hannah disobeys my instructions and outright defies me I get angry and/or frustrated and proceed to punish or discipline her in whatever way needs to be done at the time. After viewing those videos, my perspective changed. The doctors explained that each and every  baby or toddler is testing their boundaries, learning how far they can act or do in a certain situation. They are just seeing where those limits lie. And every time they do this it serves as an opportunity to teach. That's our job as parents and  I feel like I completely overlook that part most of the time and instead of seeing the teachable moment I just see a difficult situation that I have to begrudgingly deal with. Now I'm using my new perspective to approach each situation with more love and patience knowing that it's my job to teach her to control herself, to obey her parents and to enjoy the moment within the boundaries we've set.

These two areas in my life serve as examples of just how imperfect I am. That doesn't mean I wallow in my imperfection and say woe is me. We must strive for excellence, and for the God honoring desires we have, but also know that we're never going to be perfect. We're never going to be the best dressed, have the nicest house, or go on the best vacations. We need to stop trying to keep up with the Jones's (and by we, I mean me!! :) ) I'm beginning to embrace the fact that I'll never be an amazing athlete or perfect mother but I can learn from my mistakes and move forward knowing that they serve as a steppingstone to help me become a better person, someone that knows that it's God's grace that covers those mistakes and sins in my life. My identity is in who I am in Christ, not in what I achieve or do on instagram or facebook.

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." -2 Corinthians 12:9

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Seeing the Silver Lining {A Praise Report}

A month or so ago, I wrote about the growing pains associated with raising a toddler and yes, the struggle is still there, but God has enabled me to grow in this area of my life. He has enabled me to love her and be patient with her. He has given me new eyes and a new heart in the situation.

As I am writing this my little one is throwing a tantrum in her room. This time it was because I looked at her and smiled. : / Being a first time parent, all these things are new to me. At first when she'd throw tantrums I would get frustrated with her and then at myself for getting so mad. Now I can't help but giggle when she throws a fit because she is being so silly. Kicking and screaming for no reason at all.

She is learning and growing and trying to establish herself as a person. She is testing her boundaries and seeing how much control she has in her surroundings. I get that and understand the struggle. I feel the same way in my own life sometimes.

God uses these every day moments to teach unconditional love. Even when Hannah is shoving me away and crying about me not letting her watch Elmo for the umpteenth time, I sit and extend my arms open for her. I wait patiently for my girl to come to her senses and embrace me back. It doesn't happen now because she may still be mad but I will continue to love her and wait for her. Parenthood is a beautiful picture of how the Father deals with us. What a blessing to be able to partake in this journey with the sweet family God has given me to love and teach and also to learn from.

I guess the point of this post is to tell you mamas to hang in there. You're going to have good days and you're going to have bad days. But when you lean on Christ to see you through the challenges, He will be right by your side. I've seen in my life and if you trust in Him, be assured you'll see it in yours too!

                                   Now for a few pics of Hannah's best meltdowns ;)
Happy (or sad) Memorial Day 2013
Apparently she didn't want to play in the barn :(

Hannah hating her drindl

Thursday, June 5, 2014

{Book Club} Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist

I've always been a big Martha Stewart fan. I LOVE her and her amazing culinary and crafting skills. Her home is always impeccable and her parties were stylized perfectly. Well move over Martha, because I recently finished reading Bread & Wine: A love letter to life around the table, by Shauna Niequist, and I think I've met my new culinary soul mate.
"It takes some time to learn, to try and fail and make a mess and try again. It takes even longer to get truly comfortable, to feel at home with a knife in your hand, to read through recipes as a guideline or set of ideas, to read through and add your preferences of tastes, your history and perspective. But it's a lovely process, with not a minute wasted. If you put in the time, the learning, the trying, the mess, and the failure, at the end you will have learned to feed yourself and the people you love, and that's a skill for life - like tennis or piano but yummier and far less expensive."

It's not just the beautiful way she describes dinner parties with friends and family or the mouth watering recipes she shares, it's her heart and her desire behind them. She is authentic and beautiful. Her soul is right there for you to read on every page of her book. She is someone you can talk to, laugh with and cry together. It's one thing to put on a fancy party and it's another to feed a grieving friend who's mother just died or celebrate a homecoming of a loved one. It's not just about preparing a delicious meal, it's about connecting with people you love, forming new relationships, and remembering the reason why we care for others.
"And I believe Jesus asked us to remember Him during the breaking of bread and the drinking of wine every time, every meal, every day - no matter where we are, who we are what we've done. If we only practice remembrance every time we take Communion at church, we miss three opportunities a day to remember. What a travesty! Eugene Peterson says that 'to eyes that see, every bush is a burning bush.' Yes, that, exactly. To those of us who believe that all of life is sacred, every crumb of bread and sip of wine is a Eucharist, a remembrance, a call to awareness of holiness right where we are."
Don't get me wrong, I love to plan parties and entertain friends and family at our house but I often times have to check myself to make sure I am not doing it as a performance but doing it out of love. I'm reminded of the story of Mary and Martha. Mary sits at Jesus' feet and there is Martha, busy at work in the kitchen again. :) This Martha, not unlike Ms. Stewart, thought that the most important thing was getting everything done and perfect for her guest, but Jesus reminded her that the most important thing was to just be with and listen to Him. Likewise, when we have friends and family over, we should be with them and bless them with encouragment and fellowship. So the chicken was a little overcooked and the house not 100% clean, the point of having your loved ones there is to love them, not put on a show.
"What people are craving isn't perfection. People aren't longing to be impressed; they're longing to feel at home."
Sauna is such a lovely person. I couldn't help but want her as my own friend to gab with for hours while we cook in the kitchen. I guess until that day I will settle with enjoying her book and amazing recipes!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

A day in the life {SAHM Style}

7am - Breakfast with this kiddo
9am - Family bible study time
11am - Preparing Daddy's food for work and trying out some new recipes
1pm - Story time and afternoon nap
2pm - Quiet time for mommy :) :) :)
4pm - Quick trip to the store (in her 2nd outfit of the day!)
7pm - Evening workout class - here I come!
9pm - Dinner and sleep before I start it all over again tomorrow

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


 "Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us" -Hebrews 12:1
I love to run. I don't know what it is but there is just a simple joy in lacing up my shoes and going on a jog around the neighborhood. I've always done 5k's, 8k's and 10k races but I am now in training to complete my longest run to date: a half marathon. That's 13.1 miles!

This past weekend I ran in the 'Beat the Bridge' race here in Seattle. 20 minutes after the last runner crosses the start line, the University Bridge goes up, stopping any runners from getting across until it is lowered again. I am happy to say that I beat the bridge. :)

Running is an endurance sport but not just for the athletic side. Endurance is needed in controling your mind too. Something happens in your head when you run. I expressed my joy for running but on my longer runs, there comes a point in the middle when my mind wanders and I just don't think I can do it. All through the run I am convincing myself that I can do this, making up little things in my head to keep my mind occupied while my legs continue to work. I think in life we let the same thing happen to ourselves. We sabotage our efforts for what we truly want. We let sin come in and ensnare us. But it is in trusting God and laying aside those sins that we can truly move forward.

The half marathon I want to compete in is taking place this fall so I have some time to prepare mentally and train physically for this feat. It won't be easy but it will be so wonderful to achieve this goal of mine and tell that little negative voice in my head "Yes I can!".

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Growing Pains

Motherhood is hard. I don't know if I was naive or just didn't pay attention growing up, but I never knew the struggle involved in raising children. When I was pregnant with Hannah I had visions of a cute, happy baby always playing, eating all her food, sleeping well, etc... Oh brother, what was I thinking!? Don't get me wrong, Hannah is such a blessing but it's not all rainbows and flowers. Sometimes it is and other times it's messy floors and tantrums.

We've had a couple of rough days this week and I was in tears when Jeremy came home last night. I just felt defeated. At 19 months, she has taken on a mind of her own. She doesn't like to eat meat, she gives us kisses but then promptly wipes away our "cooties", and she has just discovered hitting. She is usually an angel but I think the combination of bad behavior has really gotten to me. All of this leads me to be less patient and irritable right back to her which in turn makes me feel worse. I am the adult, I need to be setting the example to her and teaching her to be patient and loving, even to people who don't deserve it.

This morning during our family bible study time, Jeremy reminded me that Jesus paid for our sins. Not just the sins in our past but the ones we currently commit and the ones yet to come. He chose us before the foundation of the world and He knew of the great sinners we would be but He chose us anyways.
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." - 1 John 1:9
"It is crucial as a mom to ask God for moment by moment wisdom" - Lysa  TerKeurst
I am so happy to be a mother. When the tantrum ends, and she gives me one of her sweet smiles, I know it's all worth it. This is my calling, hard as it may be, and I need to rely on God to help me raise this little rug rat. And in those times when I fail, to rely on Him to pick me back up because this mama can't do this alone!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Hosanna, Hosanna {Palm Sunday Craft and Treat}

"A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted,

“Hosanna to the Son of David!”
“Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?” The crowds answered, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.” - Matthew 21:8-11

Hannah may be young but she is soaking up so much information at this age. I can see her learning and growing on a daily basis and I am just amazed. That is why we are starting young teaching our little lady about Jesus and the things of God.

Yesterday we taught her about Palm Sunday and Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. She loved when I traced around her little hands to make the "palm branches" and then waving it around in the air while I sang a kid song about Palm Sunday. She especially loved when I made treats for my AWANA girls. I think she thought they were for her! I did let her lick the frosting off the whisk. ;)

One of the verses that drives me as a parent is the one from Deuteronomy 6:7 that says, "You shall teach them [God's Words] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up." It is our duty, no matter how young (or old for that matter), to teach our children God's truth. I hope and pray that she will someday come to know and love the Lord but until then I will continue to share and impress upon her how good He is to me and been in my life!

Quick and Easy Palm Sunday Cupcakes {No Recipe Required}

 I wanted to make a treat for my AWANA girls but I didn't have much time to do any serious baking. I bought some pre-made muffins/cupcakes at the supermarket and then whipped up a quick frosting to top them with. For the toppers I used the sugared "fruit" candy. Cut the green candies  length-wise and stick a toothpick in them. The cut sides are super sticky so they stick together well. Stick them together to resemble a palm branch. My toothpicks were really long for some reason so I made some little banners that said hosanna on them. They turned out pretty cute. I even gave the girls some chocolate gold coins to represent Jesus throwing out the money changers at the temple. :P Enjoy the rest of Passion Week and remembering our Savior and His great love for us!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

My {After Baby} Transformation

During my pregnancy with Hannah, we went to the ultrasound appointment expecting to hear that she was growing healthy and everything was going according to plan. It wasn't. My doctor said that our little bean was growing but she was measuring small for her gestational age. She advised me to stop working out and to eat as many calories as possible to get her big and healthy - and that is just what I did. Now I know that you gain weight while having a baby, to ensure a healthy living space for those 9 months in the womb and also to make her healthy as she grows, but I gained upwards of 60 to 65 lbs!

After having my bundle of joy, although I was happy to finally have her in my arms, I was suffering from postpartum depression. Add being overweight to the mix and I was not a happy camper. I saw a former co-worker post on her facebook page about an exercise program she was doing that was specifically geared towards moms. I checked it out and fell in love. I contacted the coach immediately and started a few weeks later in her next session. I completed two rounds, took several months off and now I'm back to complete two more sessions. I am down to the weight I was when I was the most fit I've ever been. But honestly, it's about more than the weight.

Neubody, showed me that I am capable and strong. I can achieve anything I put my mind to. I feel great! I love working out and taking care of myself. I love the positive impact it's had on my family. Hannah copies the workout moves that her Daddy and I do. It's so darn cute and it's wonderful to think that we are instilling in her good habits about taking care of the bodies God gave us so we can care for and serve others.

Along with the workouts in the program, I learned about how much nutrition plays into your overall health and weight lose. Our household already ate pretty clean because of Jeremy's food sensitivities but it has been revamped and is 99% clean of processed foods, except for the occasional items like packaged dijon mustard, although I did just find a homemade dijon recipe that I will be trying so we can get to 100% clean.

On our 4th wedding anniversary last summer, Jeremy and I got dressed up and went out to one of our favorite restaurants in the area. Afterwards we came home and had some amazing homemade raw key lime pie. You'll never guess what secret ingredient is in it that gives it it's creamy texture. Ready, it's - avocados! Go and try the recipe, pronto! It's so simple and oh so delicious. Who needs processed and sugar saturated desserts when God made natural sugars and treats that are WAY better, in my humble opinion! :)

*Chef's Note: We omitted the tapioca flour and substituted figs for the dates since Jeremy can't have them. It turned out amazing. Seriously, go try this now!*

Friday, March 21, 2014

Love in Action

I'm gonna kick off my return to blogging with a question that my husband and I have been discussing lately and that is: what does genuine Christian faith look like in the life of a believer? How does the Spirit work in him or her. It seemed to us that something seems missing in what we see in so much of the church today; including our own lives.

All too often I find myself living the christian lifestyle; going to church, dressing modestly, not watching or listening to inappropriate things, etc.. but not have a desire to further my relationship with God. I may look the part but in essence, I am behaving like an atheist. I hate that. I hate days when I am not seeking God or delving into His word for my spiritual food for the day. I want to love Him and desire Him all the days of my life but some days my sinful desires win and I choose to rely on my own strength and knowledge to make it through.

I came across this image online and it really made me think. Take away the Jesus stickers, clothes, jewelry, etc.. and would people be able to tell that you loved Jesus? What differentiates us from the rest of the world? The verses referenced were exactly what my husband and I had been looking for. That is the church. That is what genuine faith looks like.

Romans 12:9-21 Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. 10 Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. 11 Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. 12 Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. 13 When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them. 15 Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. 16 Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all! 17 Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. 18 Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. 19 Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, “I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” says the Lord. 20 Instead, “If your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads.” 21 Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.

I need to be reminded (many times) of gospel truths before they really begin to sink in. Dwelling on these passages for a few minutes each day really helps me to focus on what my objective is in this world. The chief end of man is to glorify God and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we are able to live out the words of this passage. I am choosing to rely on Him to help me have genuine faith and demonstrate love in action.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I'm Back!

My goodness, it's been more than 2 years since I last blogged on here. And a lot has happened in the mean time!

Jeremy and I had a baby. She is a toddler now. She is the sweetest little girl. And sometimes she is not. She is teaching me about love and patience. God knows exactly what I need to learn to be more like Him. 

Since having my little bean, I am a SAHM. It is wonderful but like I mentioned above, it has it's challenges. I am back to blog (with what little time I have available) to share my mommy musings and about the One who helps me get through it all! 

                                                            Baby Bun on her first day of life ;)

Christmas 2014